Bring up your folder option

This is may to due virus so first scan with updated antivirus and then 
follow that I specified below then we will see., 

1.    Run => Type gpedit.msc 

In this 

User Configuration
                                                                       Administrative Templates
                                                                       Windows Components
                                                                      Windows Explorer
                                                                       Removes the Folder Options menu item from the 

2.   Right click
      Properties => Disable =>Apply

Delete any file

Warning-This method can corrupt our Windows OS if adopted for system file.First you need to take ownership of the file. In command prompt type the following

The file "wmploc.dll" has been taken for example

takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll

This command will effectively give you ownership of the file.

At this point you still have no rights to delete it. Now you need to run the "cacls" command to give yourself full control rights to the file:

cacls C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll /G eches:F

Note: Be sure to replace username "eches" with your username.

After confirming the changes by typing in "y" for yes and hitting enter button, you should be able to delete the file.

RightClick drive defragmentation

1.    Create a .reg file and name it to whatever you think might fit.
      (create an empty .txt-file and rename it to whatever.reg)

2.    Rightclick it and choose "edit".

3.    Paste the following into it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="defrag.exe %1 -f -v"

4.    Save and close.

5.    Doubleclick it and answer yes/ok to the questions.

6.    Rightclick a drive and choose 'Defrag' to defragment it.

The not as simple but yet not difficult way:

1.    Open RegEdit.

2.     Navigate to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell".

3.     Create a new Key named "Defrag".
(This is what will show in the RightClick-menu so if you'd like it to say "Mah 1337           d3Phr4G-h4Ck" then use that keyname ;) )

4.    Create a sub-key to you ¨"Defrag" key and name it "Command".
(This name is not an option)

5.    Go to the "Command" key and doubleclick

6.    Change it's value to "defrag.exe %1 -f -v"
(-f = force defragmentation even if there's to little free space on the drive.)
(-v = Verbose mode.)

7.    Save and you're done.

Fun Mouse

Are you interested in browing the internet the fastest way possible?

Save time by using keyboard mouse shortcuts desiged for a wheel scroll mouse. Below are a few tips to help you naviagte the web faster.

To change the size of the text using your wheel mouse: 

1.    Hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard

2.    Scroll the wheel on your mouse up to decrease size of text

3.    Scroll the wheel on your mouse down to increase the size of text

To use you mouse to navigate back and fourth between pages instead of the buttons:

1.    Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard

2.    Scroll the wheel on your mouse up to navigate forward one page

3.    Scroll the wheen on your mouse down to navigate back one page

All of the above tips require a mouse with a scroll whee

Slow logon to domain in XP

You may experience extremely long delays (up to 5 minutes) when logging into domains using Windows XP Pro. This is caused by the asyncronous loading of networking during the boot up process. This speeds up the login process in a stand-alone workstation by allowing the user to log in with cached logon credentials before the network is fully ready.

To disable this "feature" and restore your domain logons to their normal speed, open the MMC and add the group policy snap-in. Under Computer Configuration-->Administrative Templates-->System-->Logon, change "Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon" to ENABLED.

This can be fed to clients via a group policy from a Windows 2000 server by upgrading the standard policy template with the XP policy template. Since this is an XP only command, non-XP systems will ignore it in a domain distributed group policy.