In this article I will share just a little knowledge about enable and disable windows run. Because at certain moments in this way may be useful for you.
Example for security reasons.
1. So do this step by step
2. Click Start>> Run>> then type regedit and press OK or ENTER until the Registry Editor window appears.
3. Then find : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> Software>> Microsoft>> Windows>> Current Version>> Policies>> Explore
4. If you explore not appear, try creating explore it in the policies by click on the menu bar Edit>> new>> key. Then give the name "explore".
5. Then right click in Explorer>> New DWORD>>
6. Rename the New Value to "NoRun"
7. Double click on that appear NoRun Edit DWORD Value window,then change the Value data to 1 to disable and 0 to enable.
8. try restart your computer to finish this