Remove virus manually

Remove virus manually
Tools required

If your pc is affected with some virus the most common of all is your folder otion will be disabled,you may not be able to open task manager, etc now 1st step is to identify the virus process process explorer will help u and u may see the path of the installed file on ur system now use restriction removal tool to remove the task bar ..folder option restrictions...etc... now our aim is to remove the running virus process..use hijackthis and select the virus process. it will remove the process from startup registry also..
finally try unhacme.. to remove the rootkits

many virus can be removed in this way but many still remain on ur pc.. in such situations.. try to google for its removal methods manually.. once the restrictions are removed u may be able to use taskmanager and able to use regedit command.

Create a harmless virus

@echo off
color 1a (Changes the colour)
echo (Displays a text)
echo: (leaves a line)
ping -n 2>nul (pings your localhost)
shutdown.exe (shutdown) ==

1.    Read and understand the warnings!

2.    Open Notepad in Windows. You can do this by navigating to Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad, or simply by entering "Notepad" under Start > Run.

3.    Copy and Paste the Code of the "virus" into Notepad.

4.    Click File > Save as.

5.    Decide for a location to save the virus. You should chose a location where the user won't find the file, so saving it on the desktop would be a bad idea!

6.    Change ".txt" to "All files" in the file type drop-down menu.

7.    Chose a harmless filename. Replace the ".txt" at the with ".bat"

8.    Click on save and close Notepad.

Now that we have the virus saved, we should prepare a decoy:

1.    Right click on the desktop and go over to "new" then click "short cut".

2.    For the location of the short cut chose our Virus.

3.    Click next.

4.    Give the shortcut a name that your victim will click on. ("Music for free", "My Documents", "Critical Windows-Update" "Get Free Cinema-Tickets" or "Internet Explorer").

5.    Click on "Finish".

6.    Right click on the shortcut you have just made and chose "properties". Now click on the "chose icon" button and scroll through the list of icons.

7.    Decide for one of the icons that fits well to the name, chose it by clicking on it and hit OK twice.

Convert From Fat32 to NTFS

1.    To convert your drive or partition from fat32 to ntfs,

2.     type the following at Start - Run

(assuming it's drive c:):

                                                        CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS

3.    If you are asked if you want to dismount the drive, you must answer yes.

4.    Alternatively, you can use a utility such as Partition Magic